News list for " 11494"

1. In December, there were 11,494 second-hand residential online signatures in Guangzhou, an increase of 17.33% year-on-year. 2. The total sales of the top 100 real estate enterprises in 2024 4.35473 trillion yuan...

1. In December, there were 11,494 second-hand residential online signings in Guangzhou, an increase of 17.33% year-on-year. 2. In 2024, the total sales of the top 100 real estate enterprises were 4.35473 trillion yuan, a decrease of 30.6% year-on-year. 3. Kerui: In December, the overall turnover of 30 key cities was 18.01 million square meters, an increase of 15% month-on-month and a year-on-year increase of 17%. 4. As of the end of December, Bank of China Beijing Branch has included a total of ...

2025-01-02 07:52:16
1. 12月广州二手住宅网签11494宗,同比增长17.33%。2. 2024年百强房企销售总额43547.3亿元...

1. 12月广州二手住宅网签11494宗,同比增长17.33%。2. 2024年百强房企销售总额43547.3亿元 同比下降30.6%。3. 克而瑞:12月30个重点城市整体成交1801万平方米,环比增长15%,同比增长17%。4. 截至12月末,中行北京分行累计纳入北京市房地产融资协调机制“白名单”项目18个。5. 中指研究院:百城新建住宅均价同环比上涨。6. 中指研究院:12月成都、深圳二手房价格保持上涨。7. 中指研究院:2024年百城二手房价格累计下跌7.26%。8. 北京二手房上月成交突破2万套,创逾20个月新高。9. 厦门:住房公积金贷款购买第二套住房的,最低首付款比例由25%下调至20%。10. 海南2024年土拍收官:宅地出让4000余亩,成交近300亿元,三亚第一。11. 乐有家研究中心:深圳楼市2024年成交92459套住宅,同比上涨44%。12. 北京朝阳区一宗住宅用地挂牌:起始总价79亿元,规划建筑面积超17万平方米。

2025-01-02 07:52:16